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Tooth aches are referred as the pain which occurs in the teeth or in its surrounding structures such as gums and jaw. This pain can occur due to a variety of reasons such as cavities, tooth fracture, infection of gums, or can be due to teeth or gum sensitivity, a filling that is damaged, etc.
The symptoms of tooth ache may include sharp pain in the teeth, swelling of gums and pain in gums.
7 Home Remedies For Tooth Ache
It is recommended that if the tooth ache is due to any serious condition of the teeth set, gums or oral cavity, it is better to consult a dental professional. But if it is due to the general reasons or that you fear going to the dentist and want to try out the easy remedies first, then the following home remedies can be used that may be helpful in reducing or eliminating pain from teeth.
Use A Good Fluoride Containing Tooth Paste
Fluoride is the most popular ingredient which many tooth pastes do contain. Besides tooth pastes, fluoride in also contained in mouth rinses and mouth gels. Fluoride is quite effective in promoting the oral health and in reduction of tooth sensitivity.
Fluoride protects the teeth from cavities and thus prevents tooth aches. It makes the tooth enamel resistant by incorporating into it. Fluoride, besides reducing tooth ache, also whitens the teeth to some extent. Hence, use of a good fluoride containing tooth paste can be counted as one of the home remedies for tooth ache.
Wheat Grass Juice
Another remedy for tooth aches can be the use of wheatgrass juice. This juice is a natural anti-biotic and hence, is effective in clearing the toxins that may be present in gums due to which, pain in the teeth would occur.
Wheatgrass remedy can be applied by using its juice as a mouth wash or by chewing upon wheatgrass. This remedy is also useful in preventing tooth decay and in treating bleeding gums.
Tooth Ache Tree
Might sound strange but there exists a tree which is named so due to its properties of relieving tooth ache. This shrub is native to North America.
Chewing upon its bark can help reduce tooth ache. It may also prevent tooth decay and treat dry mouth by stimulating the secretion of saliva.
Also Read
Natural Home Remedies For Tooth Ache
Old Remedies For Toothaches
Top 3 Methods To Get Rid Of Toothache At Home
Home Remedies For Toothache Remedies
Garlic has so many potential benefits and is widely used for a number of home remedies. There is a chemical in garlic known as allicin which gives this specie of onion, anti-bacterial properties.
Thus, it helps in eliminating the harmful bacteria from mouth which in turn reduces the bacterial diseases and thus relieves pain. And all this aids garlic in making it a useful home remedy for tooth ache.
Turmeric has many medicinal benefits. This spice possesses antibacterial and antiseptic properties which makes it a pain reliever also.
Salt Water
Use of salt water solution for gargling will help eliminate infection of teeth and will aid inreducing tooth ache.
Salt And Pepper
A mixture of salt and pepper and addition of few drops of water to turn it into a paste can also be a useful remedy. Applying this paste on the affected area will help reduce tooth ache.
Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.